Association Management

In Oregon, association management companies don’t have to have a real estate license. Nor do they have to carry errors and omissions insurance. Given that most associations are required by state law to maintain reserve account balances (which are often large sums of money); that is shocking. We are licensed and do carry errors and omissions insurance. Associations of home owners and condominium owners often fail to realize how critical this is until their reserves have been compromised either by fraud, mismanagement, or neglect. In contrast, we’ve worked continuously with the expectation of maintaining audit-ready financial systems because the first properties we ever managed were affordable housing properties that required annual audits. You’re always welcome to inspect our financial records for your association. We also provide bookkeeping services, prepare monthly financial reports, pay the bills, collect the dues (all the way to helping file liens and small claims actions), solicit bids, monitor and coordinate repairs, assist with the reserve study compliance process, enforce landscaping or conduct violations, meet with association boards and members, and provide customer service to the owners served by the association. Our goal is to provide to each association with truly professional management services. Many associations teeter to the extremes of over-enforcement or non-enforcement of their rules. We believe it is our role to fairly, consistently enforce the rules in a way that is respectful, effective, and lawful. We would welcome the chance to talk to you about your association’s management needs!